Welliver Photography

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Thirsty Thursday: At Tolosa

Rambler: Terry Drink at Hand: 2007 Tolosa Pinot Noir

Beth and I went down to SLO for a ~55 mile cycling ride (Cote de Tolosa) sponsored by Tolosa Winery. This was fortunate for me as I could chill out waiting for Beth to complete her ride at a winery...and a good one at that. In addition, our good friend from USAFA, Britt Miller, lives in SLO and works at Tolosa. What a deal!

While I was waiting for Beth to finish from her ride, Britt (who was playing guitar for the event) asked me to shoot the riders coming in. Fortunately, I was able to photograph all the riders...including some people who were just out riding their bikes from winery to winery. The pictures below are a few that I was able to capture between photographing riders coming across the finish line. I think all bike races should be like this...sunny, warm, and at a winery.