
Thirsty Thursday: Thanksgiving Picnic

Rambler: Beth
Drink at Hand: Don't came in a box and claimed to be wine.

Thirsty Thursday here again...time to pour something yummy and make those weekend plans. Over the long Thanksgiving weekend we went to Lone Pine, CA to do some "wandering about with camera in hand." But just because we weren't at home didn't mean we couldn't have the Thanksgiving dinner experience. I made some last minute Stove Top stuffing, whipped up a batch of my secret recipe cranberry sauce, tore apart one of those rotisserie chickens from the local market and out the door we went!

So after a long day of hiking and exploring and scrambling over cool rock formations in the shadow of the highest mountain in the lower 48, we pulled out the cooler and enjoyed our Thanksgiving feast...complete with some pretty horrible boxed wine. At least we drank the wine in our super cool Kleen Kanteen stainless steel pints! The Alabama Hills provided what was quite possibly the best Thanksgiving dinner view I've ever enjoyed. Next time I'll try to remember silverware so we don't have to use the random chopsticks we found in my car.

I even made pumpkin muffins for dessert before we left home. Terry felt the need to photograph his muffin. Don't worry, Massey also got to enjoy quite a healthy portion of chicken for Thanksgiving too.

Get out there and find your own spot for a feast this weekend!

Last Week

Last week involved a lot of catching up and finishing up for me. My new job starts soon, and it seems that all those little projects that I had slated to accomplish during my down time just haven't gotten done. Add in a couple of graphic design projects for the Terry and a friend, and it made for a busy week of hovering over the computer. Even though I didn't get to head out on any adventures (besides my bike rides), I did still grab the camera a few times. We have a lovely tree that surprised me with some beautiful spring blossoms.

The CSA box continues to inspire yummy dinners, though I'm getting a little tired of cutting chard leaves from stems. Every week!

My outside Crocs. Appears they need a bath.

Tails of finished projects (scarf and a beanie).

The never-ending scarf. I knit and knit and its still not done!

My cuties posing for the camera. Poor Massey had 2 ticks get her just above the eye. Hopefully her fur will fill back in up there.

And speaking of that never ending scarf and that 4-legged cutie...she decided that the needle holding the stitches on that scarf were a chew toy while I was out for a ride. I came home to the scarf on the ground and only a chewed nub of a needle by it. She had taken all the other pieces in the other room and hidden them under her blanket. Terry found them later. Fortunately she was quite careful when she pulled the needle out of the stitches and I was able to slide a new needle back into place without dropping a stitch. She's a very considerate saboteur.